Portal of Alchemy

Spiritual Development Program

What does the Spiritual Development Program entail?

Over the past 10 years plus, I’ve learned a lot about energy healing and communication with Spirit. I’ve developed a spiritual development program from a combination from a variety of healing modalities, and activations. How it  works, it is a combination of 6 clearings, healings, journeys and activations for great spiritual growth and personal development, I connect with God, and all the Ascended Masters and Light Being Guides whom is currently assisting me in assisting my clients along their ascension path, I also connect to my Higher Light and all my Healing Guides and then connect with your Higher Light and Guides. 

This is a tailor made service for you; in order to 

  1. open up your 3rd eye, raise your vibrational frequency to the 5th and 6th Dimension,
  2. connect you with your team of light, Spiritual Teachers and Guides,
  3. activate your light body/merkaba and activate the dormant DNA in the body,
  4. activate your life purpose,
  5. take you on journeys of remembrance of past lives, parallel realities.
  6. leading you long your ascension path to ultimately reach your greatest human potential, using all the gifts and abilities available to you from your souls evolution into an old soul

A combination of 6 clearings, healings, journeys and
activations for great spiritual growth and personal development

Package deal R13,200 (save R3,300)


For further details email me on info@portalofalchemy.com

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