Enneagram Course
What is Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. The Enneagram describes nine different personality types and maps each of these types on a nine-pointed diagram which helps to illustrate how the types relate to one another. The name Enneagram comes from the Greek: Ennea is the Greek word for nine and Gramma means something that’s drawn or written.
What Does the Enneagram Tell Us?
According to the Enneagram, each of the nine personality types is defined by a particular core belief about how the world works. This core belief shapes a person’s worldview and the perspective through which they see the world and the people around them. Our core beliefs are not necessarily incorrect, but they are limiting. Understanding our Enneagram type and how it colors our perceptions can help us to broaden our perspective and approach situations more effectively.
Understanding a person’s Enneagram type helps us to see why they behave the way they do. Each Enneagram type has a set of core beliefs that will motivate them to take particular actions and guide them to make certain decisions. Behavior that may seem confusing or contradictory can often be explained when we understand a person’s Enneagram type.
The Enneagram also helps us understand how people react to stress. By describing how each Enneatype adapts and responds to both stressful and supportive situations, the Enneagram shows opportunities for personal development and provides a foundation for the understanding of others.
The system has been the inspiration for multiple Enneagram personality tests as well as books on an eclectic variety of subjects, from personal development and spiritual growth to relationships and even career development.
“On your journey of self-discovery, you’re going to need a map.”
Enneagram is mostly used for personal self-knowledge and personality development, offering a powerful tool for self-mastery, conflict resolution, team dynamics, leadership and emotional intelligence. Because it identifies opportunities for development for each individual type, it has become widely used in areas such as counselling, psychotherapy, business development, parenting and education.
Enneagram for Beginners
The Enneagram: Nine Types
Learn this ancient and powerful tool for self-awareness and compassion. Discover which of the 9 types you have!
What you’ll learn
In this course, you will learn the history of the enneagram, the basics of each type, the movements, and subtypes.
By the end of the course, you will have the tools to discover your own enneatype and others in your life.
By the end of this course, you will be able to recognize underlying patterns that influence the way you and the people in your life have been feeling and behaving. This will increase your compassion for yourself and others. The course will include a PowerPoint Presentation and Interaction. And you’ll receive an eBook with all the information you need to get you started.
The course will include a PowerPoint Presentation and Interaction. And you’ll receive an eBook with all the information you need to get you started.
5 Reasons to Study the Enneagram
We move through this world under the impression—some would say the illusion—that we’re consciously choosing all of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. But most of the time we’re operating on autopilot, stuck on the hamster wheel, doing the same thing over and over again, in spite of our best intentions.
The Enneagram provides a window into our habits of thinking, feeling and behaving. The result is that the more we know, the less we’re at the effect of the programs that are usually running us.
As a system for describing our basic temperament or personality, the Enneagram is comprehensive, multifaceted, and accurate. It requires a bit of effort to fully grasp, so if you’re wondering why you should bother–what’s in it for you–here are five good reasons to learn more about the Enneagram:
1. You’ll Be Able to Let Yourself Off the Hook.
A surprising amount of what we perceive of as our own individual quirks, flaws, and shortcomings are not the result of our upbringing or personal experiences—or the fact that we’re stubborn, wrongheaded, or lack any semblance of willpower. It’s just the way we’re wired. That means we don’t need to continue expending time and energy trying to figure out why we’re that way or attempting to fix ourselves. The Enneagram offers a short-cut to self-awareness and self-acceptance, which is very powerful ground to stand on.
2. Other People Will Make You Less Crazy.
Even when you don’t know what someone else’s type is, just being aware of the fundamentally different perspectives and attitudes of each type can be eye-opening. That awareness makes it a lot easier to cut the other people in your life some slack and stop expecting them to be who they’re not. It also makes it less likely they’ll be able to push your buttons as often and as easily. Our differences don’t always have to be frustrating or divisive. They can be a source of humor and even a way to connect.
3. You Can Stop Banging Your Head Against the Wall.
Do you ever feel like your life is the one Narcotics Anonymous was referring to when they defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? If so, take heart. The Enneagram explains how we get into our particular ruts of behaving, thinking, and feeling—and then offers a range of alternatives to try out from among the other types. Knowing your type is also extremely helpful—maybe even essential—if you are in the process of attempting to change your behavior.
4. It’ll Make You Smarter, Improve Your Memory and Mood, and Keep Your Brain Healthy.
Learning about the Enneagram may not add measurable points to your I.Q., but brains crave challenge and stimulation in order to maintain their plasticity. Learning something new actually changes your brain physically by not only increasing synaptic connections, but also growing new neurons—no matter how old you are. That’s one of the main ways to keep your mind sharp and flexible and your memory intact. These neuronal interconnections in our brains affect our behavior, thoughts, and feelings on a daily basis. You can definitely nurture your neurons by learning about the Enneagram.
5. It Has What You’re Looking For.
On the psychological level, the Enneagram is a great tool for anyone who’s on a journey of personal exploration or wants to change old, outmoded patterns of behavior. On the interpersonal level, it can help you deepen your relationship with your partner or develop clearer communication with friends and family members. At work, it can help you get along better with your co-workers, understand your boss, and become more effective. What you take from it depends on how you come at it and what it is you’re looking for.
Many of us want to increase our self-awareness, but we can’t pay attention to everything. The Enneagram points us in a direction that allows us to see how we tend to operate, in both positive and constructive ways and in negative and sometimes destructive ways. It’s one way to find out some of what’s in our particular mental model. Since the contents of our mental model are not directly accessible, I see the Enneagram as a short-cut to self-awareness.
The Enneagram: Nine Types
Come learn this ancient and powerful tool for self-awareness and compassion. Discover which of the 9 types you are!
“The Enneagram number you find is not for the sake of mere self-categorization, it is for the enlightenment of the person, by helping them to recognize their own addictive pattern of seeing and thinking.”
– Richard Rohr
Enneagram has been referred to as “the Face of God.” Honour all of them. Look through the eyes of God. Each one is trapped in a different part… Learn what is yours to liberate yourself.
What you’ll learn
In this course, you will learn the more about the enneagram, the childhood wounding, wings for each type, the movements for each type during growth and stress, how each type communicates, how to show each type love, each types defence mechanisms and denials as well as the evolution and gateway for each type.
By the end of the course, you will have the tools for your own liberation.
By the end of this course, you will be able to recognize underlying patterns that influence the way you and the people in your life have been feeling and behaving. This will increase your compassion for yourself and others.
Requirements : Interest in personal growth and understanding other people and relationships
The course will include a PowerPoint Presentation and Interaction. And you’ll receive an eBook with all the information you need to get you started.
Hi Fiona CRYSTAL LIGHT BODY/MERKABAH AND DNA ACTIVATION TRAINING COURSE I thoroughly enjoyed this course & working with Fiona. She is a sensitive, patient & understanding teacher. I have a curious mind & every question was respectively dealt with in detail. This was not just a course but a true awakening & tremendous inner growth.… Read more “CRYSTAL LIGHT BODY/MERKABAH AND DNA ACTIVATION TRAINING COURSE”
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