If your soul and guides tell you do this training, that you are ready. Then do it immediately! I cannot even begin to comprehend how this training has changed my life. I understand that everybody’s journey and soul purposes are different, but for me this was life changing process. I am so deeply connected to the cosmos and all it has to offer. I can hear its lightest whispers and I only listen to my intuition (gut instinct). As I begin my new path I know that the universe has my back and that I’m standing in my true power. This training has given me access to the tools that I needed, and if I need anymore, I’m able to download them at will. I have merged with my higher-self, which is a truly incredible experience. I remember always asking my higher-self for guidance, and in-time it would give me messages, but now I just ask and the answer is available without any break in communication. This was un-deniably, a life changing process/experience and one which I will never forget.